Rep Roster

Mr. Michael McGuire
Director of Personnel
A2A Pharmaceuticals LLC

Mr. Christopher McIntyre
Warren County Board of Education

Ms. Beth McIvor
Sales Executive
Center Care, A division of Med Center Health

Ms. Beth McIvor
Sales Executive
WorkLife, a division of Med Center Health

Mr. Brandon McIvor
D & M Electric, Inc.

Mr. Dan McIvor
D & M Electric, Inc.

Mr. Ozzie McIvor
Vice President
D & M Electric, Inc.

Ms. Michelle McKee
Office Manager
Ben Smith Life Compass Financial, Inc.

Mr. Matt McKiddy
Plant Manager
CASCO Products Corporation

Mr. Marcus McKnight
Executive Director
The Bungalows at Bowling Green

Mr. Bob McLean
Director of Agronomy
Indian Hills Country Club

Ms. Felicia Mclean
WM Trust Officer
US Bank

Ms. Jill McReynolds
Human Resources Leader
Country Oven Bakery

Ms. Amy McStoots Holleman
Regional Area Director
Malone Workforce Solutions

Mr. Rex McWhorter
Warren County Judge-Executive

Mr. Caleb Meador
Managing Partner
Filthy Animal Pet Wash Stations

Ms. Courtney Meador
VP of Human Resources
Houchens Food Group, Inc.

Mr. Daniel Meador
Unique Hardscapes

Mr. Josh Meador
Regional VP of Operations
Berry Global (BGKY)

Mr. Juan Carlos Medinilla
Plant Controller
Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc.

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